Fun Math Links

UEN site for games:this site has many different games for math,social study,art,writing,etc.
数一数 counting  In English
Chinese Math games This site has many different games for different concepts and grades.
鸭子Duck counting:开始 means Start. Click the right number to match the dots in the oven.
数袜子 Count socks : 开始 means Start. Please use arrow keys to find the right addend that will make the sum correct. When find the correct number,click space bar to choose.
多 (more)少 (less)  等于(equal):Compare 2 sets of animals then pick 多 (more),少 (less) or 等于(equal)
Fun Brain
数学 Animated information
加法 Addition
加法盖房子 Add to build:开始 means start. Use arrow keys to find the right addend then click on space bar to pick the right answer.
从小排到大 Smallest to greatest:Use green arrow to rearrange numbers from small to big.
十进位 base ten
加法比赛 Race addition
游戏 Games
加气球 Balloon addition
数学游戏 Math games
减法 Subtraction
游戏 Scholastic Games
猜一猜 Guess
数钱 Count money
形状 Shapes
什么形状 What shapes
数学游戏 More games (some are iPhone apps)
Math materials in Chinese
益智游戏 funbrain Fun online games.