Friday, August 3, 2012

Note for Parants 08/03/2012

Mrs. Chang’s Note to Parents:

1.   Mr. Lyu, who is one of my student’s parent, shared some website links for those of you who is interested in learning more basic information about Chinese characters. The links are as below:

2.     About the Lignt Clasroom Homework, please see our checklist for the lesson number that I assign students to do each week. You may need to click “see all”, then scroll down the page to get to the lesson.  Never mind the due dates.

3.    Some parents might find the reading CD fast, but I couldn't find any software to slow it down. However, you can just have your student listen to it everyday. After a few days, see if he/she can follow a little bit. I think" just listen" will still do good to student. Besides, this is an "extension" activity. So if your student can't do well on this one, it's fine, don't worry about it. Work on the Light Classroom more. That's what I really want student to practice speaking with.  For those of you who haven't copy the CD, please do it ASAP and give the CD back to Mrs. Chang. Thanks.

4.    Next Wed., Thu., and  Friday, I’ll be gone for the AUDII 2012 Chinese Immersion Training. So this Chinese homework package is for the following two weeks. The due date is August 17th.  The Chinese Character quiz (Lesson 6) will be given on Thursday, Aug. 17th. Please be prepared.  Students have learnt the first story of lesson 6, witch includes 5 characters of the worksheet. And they’ll learn the second story, which includes the rest 4 Characters, in the next two weeks. It’ recommended to practice the first story and the 5 characters for the first week, then move on to the rest. Please keep the character flashcards for the review of this school year.

5.     I need your student to bring the blue (empty) folder everyday. (They only need to put the homework in the folder and turn them in on Fridays.)
I try to sand home papers, notes, and/or projects in a timely manner.

6.    Again, we have PE class on Wednesdays. So please remind your student to wear walking/running shoes. Skirts are not appropriate. Thanks.

Always if you have any questions or concerns, please let me know…send in a note, give me a call, or e-mail me ( . Usually the best time to reach me at school are between 8:20~8:50 am, and 4:00~4:30 pm. 

Thank you,
Mrs. Chang  08/03/2012

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